Les Créoles ESMERALDA Or vous offrent un style vintage élégant, avec des pierres semi-précieuses zircon incrustées dans une exquise combinaison d'acier inoxydable plaqué or 18k. Inspirez-vous des couleurs automnales de cette superbe création et voyez la beauté que ces créoles pourront apporter à votre look!
- Bijou inoxydable plaqué or 18k - ne craint pas l'eau
- Fermoir créole à clipper
- Vendues par paire

Our jewels are made on a base of stainless steel or stainless titanium. They are completely water resistant. They are then plated in 14 or 18 carat gold .
Some jewels have mother-of-pearl or other natural stones such as Zircon which may tarnish over time, so avoid direct contact with perfume or corrosive products.
It is best to remove your jewelry during stains or you could damage or scratch it.
Tip : For the maintenance of stones and metal, take a jewelry cloth (for polishing and cleaning) then gently rub the jewelry, it will regain its shine as on the first day.